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Our awards 2015



As seen on BCITO website


'This year, Resene Construction held their first apprentice of the year competition as part of their annual conference.

Resene Construction held their first apprentice of the year competition as part of their annual conference.

The conference was very informative, giving hands-on, practical advice of how to use a variety of different materials and techniques.

The three finalists for the apprentice of the year were Zane Doyle, Jacob Birchal and Shaun Frame. They competed in a practical competition and had some very interesting tasks to complete in front of around 100 other exterior plasterers. It can’t have been easy on their nerves competing in front of so many qualified, experienced tradespeople.

Shaun Frame from Coastline Plastering was the overall winner and was presented with his award at the conference awards dinner.


Congratulations to all the winners on the night.


Shaun Frame (right) with his employer, Mike Collett'



 High Distinction Award 2015


 Business Achievement Award 2015


Apprentice of the Year Winner 2015


- House of The Year Award Silver 2015 Manawatu/Wanganui

- Central Region Interior Winner 2016 - High Distinction Award 2016 - House of The Year Award Gold Reserve Award, Gold Award 2016 Canterbury - House of The Year Award Silver 2016 Canterbury - House of The Year Award Silver 2017 Canterbury - House of The Year Award Gold Reserve Award, Gold Award, Winner 2017 Canterbury - House of the Year Award Silver 2017 Wellington - House of The Year Award Gold Reserve Award, Gold Award, Regional Category Winner 2018 Canterbury - House of The Year Award Silver 2018 Canterbury - House of The Year Award Silver 2018 Wellington




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